My Journey to Catholic Mysticism Part 2
OK, it has been awhile but it seems there is more to this mystic thing then assembling a new toy for the grand kids. I have read and meditated long on this and I have some observations. My first thoughts were how to achieve my "Dark Night of the Senses". Should I deny all sensual aspects of my life? But then I realized that it is less about denial then changing my perceptions of sensual things. Ignore good food for bland food? No, eat the same but gain an appreciation of where it came from. Think about the person who prepared it. What are their thoughts and feelings as a human being, not just their skill as a cook. Then I thought about how will I know when I have passed through my "Dark Night of the Senses"? Then I realized it is not the destination that was important, but the journey. In an earlier post I talked about my vision of people as spirit guides. I had a vision of me climbing a mountain. God is at the top of the mountain. And as I climbed along the path I turned and looked back. I could see my path across the plain to the foot of the mountain and my path up the mountain. And along the path I saw signs pointing the way. As I watched, the signs turned into people, my family and friends, each with their arm out stretched to point the way I should go next. But now I realize that the experience is not about God at the top of the mountain but the fact I am on the path up the mountain. It is not the destination but the path that is important. I will reach God when He wants not when I achieve some goal of mine. So the "Dark Night of the Senses" is not a destination but a new way to walk the path. With this enlightenment, I now move on in the book, to see what the next "Dark Night" will be. As I figure out the path I will write more, who knows, maybe someday I will be someone along your path pointing the way.
Till the next time,
God Bless you and yours
Till the next time,
God Bless you and yours
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