Spiritual Guides
So I'm sitting in church and I am thinking about Marie, a friend of mine. A couple of years ago I went to, for lack of a better term, a religious retreat called Cursillo. After I had made my Cursillo, I started attending prayer and sharing sessions with other cursillistas, among them was Marie. I knew Marie from around church but I wouldn't have called us friends. But over the course of many months we have become friends and for some reason, listening to her witness about her faith and her responses to my witness has become important to me. I can not fathom why what she shares should seem more important to me but it seems it is. So while I am sitting in church, pondering this realization, I begin to think of all of the people that have had a major influence on my spiritual life. At the age of 12 I would walk to the church down the road, there I met Richie Massey. His friendship was my first contact with the spiritual. My next spiritual guide was without a doubt the biggest infl...